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The Mintz + Hoke Internship Experience: Summer 2024, Part II

Saying “See you later and keep in touch!” to our impactful and enthusiastic interns never gets easier. And today, we’re wishing another one of our summer interns the best of luck.

Psychology major and rising senior at Syracuse University, Sophie Greggains has been the epitome of a team player this summer. Immersing herself in all practices and exuding confidence and eagerness in all she did, we cannot thank Sophie enough for all her contributions in a short amount of time. Read more about her experience below.

What type of work have you done? 

One of the most unique and rewarding experiences interning at Mintz + Hoke is the agency’s drive to immerse its interns in every aspect of the company. I was very fortunate to have been included in various projects spanning multiple agency practices, including Media, Client Service, Digital, and Creative.  
With the Digital team, I had the opportunity to work on client-facing projects like website development, as well as internal projects like company website accessibility audits and A/B testing platform evaluations. 
I had the chance to meet with clients in person during video shoots and podcast sessions with the Creative team, in addition to being involved in projects surrounding brand architecture, brand messaging, and strategy.  
Additionally, I have assisted the Client Service team with issuing change orders, opening new jobs, and documenting campaign specifications, as well as the opportunity to communicate and work directly with clients. 
Although much of the work I assisted with extends throughout the agency, Media was the primary practice I worked within. I helped with radio and television promotions, requests for proposal outreach, metrics decks, added value charts, and client research. I am beyond grateful to have Mintz + Hoke’s trust and to be involved with so many diverse projects. 
What has your experience at M+H been like?  

Working at Mintz + Hoke has truly been a valuable and fulfilling experience. From my first day, everyone has been so welcoming and willing to help. Knowing that everyone in the agency is invested in not just their own work and professional success, but also the success of their interns is both motivating and rewarding. I have learned more than I could have imagined from so many amazing and intelligent people, especially my supervisors, Rebecca Sheehan and Carla Gonzalez, who guided and supported me every day. 
Not only was this an amazing educational experience, but it has also given me clarity on my future career path. Throughout my college career, I have struggled to find an area I wanted to pursue, until my time at Mintz + Hoke. I have learned that there is so much to explore in the world of advertising, and I could not have asked for a better introduction to the industry or more valuable internship experience.  
What is an experience you had that you didn’t think you would? 

Although every experience I have had here at Mintz + Hoke has been valuable, I did enjoy being involved and observing the intricate process of rebranding. Listening to members from multiple practices talk through ideas and implications to create the best brand architectures was such a unique experience. It involved organization, prioritization, and communication, and everyone’s input was accounted for, including mine. In addition, observing members of our team effectively navigate a company’s politics was extremely interesting and educational. One of my favorite parts of this project was the integration of multiple practices within the agency working together to find a solution.   
Now that you’ve experienced our Immersively Different philosophy, what does being Immersively Different mean to you? And how can it help you in your career? 

Being Immersively Different means understanding a situation through multiple scopes to leverage emotion and create unique solutions. By exploring various groups and perspectives, we can identify what our clients’ customers crave, concern over, and find comfort in, so that we can build a thorough solution that encapsulates multiple perspectives.  
Being a part of a community that is so passionate about what they do and in finding solutions tailored to a specific circumstance is amazing. My time at Mintz + Hoke has taught me to push myself and always look beyond, and has shown me that everyone’s input is valuable.  

Connect with Sophie on LinkedIn.

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