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The Mintz + Hoke Internship Experience: Summer 2024, Part III, Round Two

Year after year, we are amazed at how ingrained our interns become in the fabric of Mintz + Hoke. Whether they're here for a few months, a semester, or choose to return for another internship experience, they become part of who we are.

This summer, we had the pleasure of welcoming back Louis Stamoulis, who recently graduated with an M.S. in Public Relations from Quinnipiac University and first made his mark at the agency in fall 2023. Read more about his experience below.

What type of work did you do?

This summer, I had the incredible opportunity to return to the place where my passion for PR and agency life began. While the faces were familiar, the projects I worked on differed from my last stint at Mintz + Hoke and I could not be more grateful to everyone who made my return possible and even more rewarding. 

I primarily worked with the public relations team on writing press releases and media alerts, developing media lists and conducting market research for various clients. These projects helped me further develop my strategic writing skills and understand our clients’ vision and purpose. In addition, I was able to sit in on many status calls and context briefings, furthering my understanding of the advertising industry. 

I also had the opportunity to attend many client events and interact directly with members of the media. Whether it was calling news desks, assisting on-ground, or following up post event, I learned so much about developing mutually beneficial relationships with the media and understanding how these relationships can benefit our clients and their goals.

What, if anything, was different about your second internship with M+H?

While this was my second stint at M+H, the positive and upbeat work environment remained the same. Everyone loves what they do and genuinely cares about one another. It’s this mindset that drew me to come back and I am extremely glad I did. To continue to learn from so many amazing industry professionals, all while being a part of a supportive and engaging workplace is something I’ll always remember.

While most of the work I was doing was similar to what I’d done in the past, I was not entirely familiar with direct media interactions. Thanks to the team’s trust, I was able to not only attend events but take the reins on one myself and learn how to manage media attendance.

Being able to experience the relationship development aspect of PR was something I thoroughly enjoyed, and it was made possible through the incredible leadership and mentoring of the public relations team. 

Special thank you to Amanda Savio for being an amazing intern leader and to KaLyn McCullough for demonstrating how to professionally interact with the media and secure coverage. Their guidance and expertise made me feel comfortable in the work I was doing, and I could not be more thankful to them and the rest of the team!

Did you feel having already experienced our Immersively Different process firsthand help you in any way? If so, how?

The Immersively Different mindset is something that stood out from my very first day at the agency. To better understand a client and their business, you must put yourself in the shoes of those you’re targeting, their customers. It’s this ideology that drew me to M+H and I have seen it function in real time throughout my days here.

Through constant status calls, internal discussions with team members and personal research, I was able to become versatile in how I spoke with our clients’ customers and the media. It’s this preparation that gave me the confidence to speak confidently about what our clients do and how they serve their customers. 

Whether I was at an event or engaging in conversations with a client, I was able to better understand their day-to-day tasks by taking the extra step and immersing myself in their industry. 

Going the extra mile and becoming an expert in an unfamiliar industry shows that you care, and it goes a long way when communicating with clients and their customers. I know I’ll take this mindset with me wherever my career goes. I am truly thankful to everyone at M+H for being great role models and showing me firsthand what being Immersively Different truly means. 

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